Well, Tropical Storm Bill has come and gone and we are still doing well. The cotton crop around here hasn't recovered so look for the price of t-shirts to go up. However, it looks like the worst of it passed us and now we just have to deal with all the water coming down the Brazos River. They think it may get as high as it did during the initial flooding earlier this summer.
We got quite a bit of rain here a few weeks ago. All over town was flooded. There was even water over the road so that Rebecca couldn't get to work. She holed up at Mom and Dad's house instead. Most of the cotton fields were just starting to come up and now they are all under water. We didn't get water in our house, which is the first question anyone here asks after flooding like this. So we are pretty well off. Our plants got watered real good and we are looking forward to some dryer weather.